Temperature statistics

On this page it is possible to examine the current, and the average and maximum temperatures measured today.

Based on the temperature values, a textual rating is displayed (like the rating based on the disk health). In case of a high temperature, the application may give tips to avoid problems.

In many cases it is possible that the temperature sensor inside the hard disk is not accurate. It is recommended to perform the temperature calibration procedure (this text is displayed until a temperature offset (even 0) is not set for the hard disk).

At the bottom of this page the previous values measured during the current session are displayed. It is also possible to examine the average and the maximum temperatures measured on the previous days. If Hard Disk Sentinel is used for a longer period, the scroll bar under the graph can be used to scroll to a previous date. By using the small disk icon, the graph can be saved as image (BMP or JPG).

Temperature statistics